Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Integrating camera movement and transitioning one scene to another

I thought that the easiest way to imagine the angles moving was to begin by circling the heads and animating the circles to move around in the way I wanted the animals to move. I also increased or decreased the size depending on which animal was going to get larger and which was going to get smaller. This helped me see what it was going to look like and wether I needed to make any changes earlier on.
I then began illustrating the actual animals in roughly so I could get the gist of the outcome. I then added detail and grass around each of the animals.
This is the final outcome which will blend into the end scene. I am contemplating rewinding It as well and having the sequence the opposite way around. I will experiment with this in the editing process.

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Final Piece

Below is the link which will take you to my final animation on Vimeo https://vimeo.com/417594072